HI Danny,

Here is a simplified version:


import numpy as np

import pylab

from pylab import *

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import scipy

from scipy.integrate import quad

from scipy.fftpack import fft, ifft, fftfreq


# Load data from .txt file


data1 = np.loadtxt('TL_pulseC.txt',skiprows = 2 ,usecols = (0,1))

data2 = np.loadtxt('cos_pulseC.txt',skiprows = 2 ,usecols = (0,1))


# Create data arrays


pos = np.array(data1[:,0])                # micrometers

pos_m = pos*1.0*10**(-6)                # meters

amp = np.array(data1[:,1])               # V

amp_auto = np.array(data2[:,1])      # V


# Finding the index of the maximum amplitude where the pulse delay is zero.

# Then calculating the mean to shift the curve accordingly.


peak_id = np.where(amp == np.max(amp))[0][0]

mean = pos_m[peak_id]

dif = pos_m - mean

t_d =(2.*dif)/(2.99*10**8)*10**(12.)             # picoseconds (ps)

t = np.arange(-0.5,0.5,0.0001)                    # picoseconds (ps)


# Define constants


c = 2.99*10**8                                                      # m/s

alpha = np.pi                                                         # rad

gamma = 200.0*10**(-15.)

lamb_o = 1160.00*10**(-9.)                                  # m

omega_o = ((2.*np.pi*c)/lamb_o)*1.*10**(-12.)    # ps^-1

delta = np.pi/2.                                                     # rad

FWHM = 32.53*10**(-6)                                       # m

t_p = ((FWHM)/c)*10**(12.)                                  # ps

E_norm = 1.                                                         #


# Define functions



# Input electric field


def E_o(x):

    return E_norm*(cosh(1.76*x/t_p))**(-1.)

def E_(x):

    return (1./2.)*E_o(x)*np.exp(-1j*omega_o*x)


# Shaped electric field


alpha = np.pi

delta = np.pi/2.

gamma = 200.*10**(-15)               # sec

dt = (t[1]-t[0])*(1*10**(-12))           # sec

def phi(x):

    return alpha*np.cos(gamma*(x - omega_o) - delta)

def M(x):

    return np.exp(1j*phi(x))


# Write E(w) as E(t) using FFT


def E_out(x):

    E_in_w = fft(E_(x))

    omega = fftfreq(len(x),dt)*2*np.pi

    E_out_w = E_in_w*M(omega)

    return ifft(E_out_w)

def integrand(x,y):

    return abs(E_out(x))**2.*abs(E_(x - y))**2.

def G(y):

    return quad(integrand, -np.infty, np.infty, args=(y))

auto_corr = []

for tau in t_d:

    integral,error = G(tau)


# Plotting





IndexError                                Traceback (most recent call last)

/Users/colinross/Documents/Optics/Programming/five.py in <module>()


    108 for tau in t_d:

--> 109     integral,error = G(tau)

    110     auto_corr.append(integral)


/Users/colinross/Documents/Optics/Programming/five.py in G(y)


    103 def G(y):

--> 104     return quad(integrand, -np.infty, np.infty, args=(y))


    106 auto_corr = []

in quad(func, a, b, args, full_output, epsabs, epsrel, limit, points,
weight, wvar, wopts, maxp1, limlst)

    279         args = (args,)

    280     if (weight is None):

--> 281         retval =

    282     else:

    283         retval =

in _quad(func, a, b, args, full_output, epsabs, epsrel, limit, points)

    345             return

    346         else:

--> 347             return

    348     else:

    349         if infbounds != 0:

/Users/colinross/Documents/Optics/Programming/five.py in integrand(x, y)


    100 def integrand(x,y):

--> 101     return abs(E_out(x))**2.*abs(E_(x - y))**2.


    103 def G(y):

/Users/colinross/Documents/Optics/Programming/five.py in E_out(x)


     94 def E_out(x):

---> 95     E_in_w = fft(E_(x))

     96     omega = fftfreq(len(x),dt)*2*np.pi

     97     E_out_w = E_in_w*M(omega)

in fft(x, n, axis, overwrite_x)


    254     if n is None:

--> 255         n = tmp.shape[axis]

    256     elif n != tmp.shape[axis]:

    257         tmp, copy_made = _fix_shape(tmp,n,axis)

IndexError: tuple index out of range

On Sun, Mar 15, 2015 at 11:57 PM, Danny Yoo <d...@hashcollision.org> wrote:

> > What does fft expect to receive as an argument?  We can read the
> following:
> >
> >
> http://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.fftpack.fft.html#scipy.fftpack.fft
> >
> > Since fft is erroring out: there's only one possibility: E_(x) is not
> > providing a value that's appropriate to fft().
> >
> > Why would it do that?  Two possibilities:
> >
> >     1.  E_ is buggy and needs investigation.
> >
> >     2.  E_ is fine, but the inputted value of x is one that E_x is not
> > defined to handle.
> >
> >
> > And so we start the investigation by considering those two
> > possibilities.  Start with #1.
> >
> > Do you know if E_ is fine?  What is it supposed to do?  What is the
> > shape of its input?  What is the shape of its output?  Is its output
> > something that fft() is designed to handle?
> Just to add: this is not to say that E_() is buggy.  We just have to
> start investigation somewhere, and it seemed as good a place as any,
> since I don't know if _any_ of the functions are behaving.  :P
> This is very much the reason why programmers like to do unit testing:
> we want to know what functions at least do something that we know is
> useful.  We know all too well that whole programs break, and we want
> to have some confidence on what components of our program are likely
> ok.
> If #2 is the actual issue, then the question becomes: why is the
> program producing an invalid input 'x'?  And that's where we need to
> start reasoning backwards, to discover how that value was constructed.
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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