On 03/20/2015 01:28 PM, niyanax...@gmail.com wrote:

You have more than one copy of some lines of previous messages, and more than one version of code in the message. So I have to guess which one you intend to be current.

Thank you Mark for replying. I fixed the note you provided on the isLegalMove. 
However the lineOfAttack function is a function my Professor did so students 
are not allowed to touch it.

For the isOver function, are you able to guide me on that?

I am very new to Comp Science and am still learning.

I have attached the programs needed for testing to show that I am testing my 
code as well as the instructions provided for my project.

Please help me out!

   # Returns a boolean indicating whether the game is over.
   def isOver(self) :
     isOver = 0
     for i in range(8) :
       for j in range(8) :
         if self._gameBoard[i, j] != 0 :
           isOver + 1

The above line does NOT change isOver variable. Try again. By the way, it's not usually a good idea to use the function name as a local within the function, even though it'll work.

     if isOver == 64 :
         self._gameOver = True
         return True
         return False

   # Returns the
   def isLegalMove( self, row, col):
     if row < 8 > col:
       if self._gameBoard[row,col] != EMPTY:
         return True
       return False

This function is still buggy. It does not return either True or False if the selected row is non-empty.

    # Returns the player number whose chip occupies the given square.
   def occupiedBy(self, row, col):

How is the following function body any different from:
     return self._gameBoard[row, col]

     if self._gameBoard[row, col] == BLACK :
       return 1
     if self._gameBoard[row, col] == WHITE :
       return 2
       return 0

   # Performs an actual move in the game. That is the current player places
   # one of his chips in the square at position (row, col).
   def makeMove( row, col ):
     if isALineOfAttack(row, col, 1, 1) is True :

How are the four following lines any different from:
      self._gameBoard[row, col] = self._currentPlayer

       if self._currentPlayer == 1 :
         self._gameBoard[row, col] = BLACK
       else :
         self._gameBoard[row, col] = WHITE

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