Hello, all..

I have a class with methods that access a database (SQLite3). I have included an excerpt showin reading and writing and would like to know if I'm doing it right. (i.e: Is it bad code and what to improve).

Here are some improvements and my rationale (check my thinking):

- Initially, each method had its SQL statement(s) inside, but I grouped all statements in a dictionary, with operations as keys, as a class 'constant' as per previous advice on this mailing list.

- Each method used sqlite3 module on its own, but it was repetitive so I put that part in its own method `init_db` that returns a tuple consisting in a connection and a cursor.

- Sometimes there was an exception raised, so I used `try` in `init_db`.

- Methods closed the connection themselves, so I used `with` in `init_db` instead of `try`, as it would close the connection automatically and rollback (I hope I'm not making this up).

Here's the excerpt (`DB_FILES` and `QUERIES` are not included here for more clarity).

Thank you.

        def __init__(self, phone):

                # Get preliminary information on user and make them
                # available.

                self.phone = phone
                self.known = self.find()
                if self.known:
                        self.balance = self.get_balance()
                        self.balance = None

        def init_db(self):
                with sqlite3.connect(self.DB_FILE) as conn:
                        return conn, conn.cursor()

        def find(self):
                '''Find the phone in the users database.'''
                (__, cursor) = self.init_db()
                        found = cursor.fetchone()
                        return True if found else False
                except Exception as e:
                        return self.ERROR.format(e.args[0])

        def create(self, seed_balance):
                ''' Create a database entry for the sender.'''

                conn, cursor = self.init_db()
                                (self.phone, seed_balance)
                except Exception as e:
                        return self.ERROR.format(e.args[0])

~Jugurtha Hadjar,
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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