I now have Git installed on my Windows 7 PC at work. The files that I
wish to put under Git version control exist on a Solaris 10
workstation. In the Git bash provided, I can ssh into the Solaris 10
machine. I also can the CuteFTP program on my Windows PC to
move/copy/etc. files between the two machines. How can I put these
Solaris files under version control under these circumstances? I
thought I had conceptually seen how to accomplish this via ssh, but if
it is doable, my limited knowledge of Git and ssh is insufficient to
find the path of success.

In order to at least start putting these files under version control,
I have created a repository for these files on an intranet drive, used
CuteFTP to copy them into the repository from Solaris, and cloned this
repository to my Windows PC. My current workflow is very clunky
indeed: 1) Bring up file(s) to edit in my Windows editor from my local
project working directory. 2) Perform edits. 3) Save edits. 4) In Git
bash stage these. 5) Either CuteFTP or scp from Git bash the changed
files to Solaris. 6) Test files in Solaris. 7) Repeat. As needed do
Git commits and pushes.

This is better than what I had been doing. At least I *am* moving into
the version control world. But how can I make this (hopefully, lots)

BTW, I have Git working well at home. As an update I am working on
learning how to use Python's unittest module at home. Once I am
successful there, I will implement this at work: after the fact on
existing projects and from the get-go on new ones.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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