In a message of Sat, 30 May 2015 13:32:09 +0100, Stephen Nelson-Smith writes:
>I'm the league secretary for a table tennis league.  I have to generate a
>weekly results report, league table, and player averages, from results
>cards which arrive by post or email.
>The data is of the form:
>Division: 1
>Week: 7
>Home: Some Team
>Away: Different Team
>Player A: Fred Bloggs
>Player B: Nora Batty
>Player X: Jim Smith
>Player Y: Edna Jones
>A vs X: 3-0
>B vs Y: 3-2
>A vs Y: 3-0
>B vs X: 3-2
>Doubles: 3-1
>>From this I can calculate the points allocated to teams and produce a table.
>I've not done any real python for about 6 years, but figured it'd be fun to
>design and write something that would take away the time and error issues
>associated with generating this manually.  Sure I could build a
>spreadsheet, but this seems more fun.
>I'm currently thinking through possible approaches, from parsing results
>written in, eg YAML, to a menu-driven system, to a web app.  I'm generally
>in favour of the simplest thing that could possibly work, but I am
>conscious that there's a lot of room for data entry error and thus
>validation, if I just parse a file, or make a CLI.  OTOH I have never ever
>written a web app, with forms etc.
>There's no time constraint here - this is merely for fun, and to make my
>life easier.
>Any thoughts?

1.  There is no better reason to do things.

2.  How do you receive your data now?  Do you want to change this,
    perhaps extend the capabilities -- i.e. let people send an sms
    with results to your cell phone?  Or limit the capabilities ("Stop
    phoning me with this stuff!  Use the webpage!)  How you get your
    data is very relevant to the design.

3.  After you have performed your calculation and made a table, what
    do you do with it?  Email it to members?  Publish it in a
    weekly dead-tree newspaper?  Post it to a website?  What you
    want to do with it once you have it is also very relevant to the design.

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