> From: Laura Creighton <l...@openend.se>
>To: Michelle Meiduo Wu <wum...@hotmail.com> 
>Cc: l...@openend.se; "tutor@python.org" <tutor@python.org> 
>Sent: Thursday, June 11, 2015 11:11 PM
>Subject: Re: [Tutor] Python&Pytest
>In a message of Thu, 11 Jun 2015 09:25:25 -0400, Michelle Meiduo Wu writes:
>>Hi there,
>>I'm looking for a language to write test scripts for our application. I read 
>>some document and found Pytest can be used to write simpler code compared 
>>with using unittest in Python. Does anybody know what's other pros and cons 
>>of using these two for writing test scripts?
>>Thank you,Michelle
>It is very much a 'try it and see what you like' sort of thing.

Hmm, I think it is possible to give some pros and cons. I have no experience 
with PyTest.
While I usually use unittest (just out of habit), I think nose is much easier 
and powerful.

* Unittest
part of the Standard library
powerful, flexible

need to declare a class to define one or more test cases (not so readable)

no (easy) test runner

* Doctest
part of the Standard library
testable documentation

Should be used for (testable) documentation, and nothing else
Basic use: easy. More advanced use: hard or impossible
No good for Python 2 & 3 code.

* Nose
tests are readable; they are simply functions
generator tests
test runner for just about any other test module

not part of the Standard library
all tests pass in Python optimized mode (-O or -OO) --> because asserts are 

* Pytest

* Dedicated test modules: numpy.testing, PyQt4.QtTest, etc.
Use whenever possible?
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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