On 28/06/2015 20:32, Nym City via Tutor wrote:
I am working on my second program and its a two part progam that I want to 
design However, i am not sure what silly mistake I am making on the first part:
Here is my code:

| 2
7 | import csv
domains = open('top500domains.csv')
domainsReader = csv.reader(domains)
domainLists = list(domainsReader)
for domain in domainLists:
      something = ("www." + str(domain))


My program reads in a CSV file that has 500 list of domains. However, when I save the output of my 
loop to the variable name "something" - and later print "something" it contains 
only 1 entry from my csv file.
On the other hand, instead of saving of loop output to the variable "something" 
- if I just print, I get all 500 entries displayed.
Please advise. Thanks!

You are not saving your loop output to anything. The above code simply sets 'something' every time around the loop, and only prints 'something' once when the loop has finished. Try something like this.

urls = [] # a Python list in case you didn't know.
for domain in domainLists:
    urls.append("www." + str(domain)) # add to the end of the list

for url in urls:

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