On 11Aug2015 20:23, Clayton Kirkwood <c...@godblessthe.us> wrote:
Question 1:
What is the purpose and how is the following definition focused on the *?
Turns out, you can't actually put the asterisk in the code, so what does it
os.stat(path, *, dir_fd=None, follow_symlinks=True)

It is generally better to make separate posts for separate questions, otherwise the discussions get all mixed up. And you can pick better Subject: lines that way.

Python function definition syntax and semantics are defined here:


and that in turn points to parameters:


Give them a read. The bare "*" in a function definition says that the following keyword parameters (dir_fd and follow_symlinks in your example) may only be supplied to function calls in keyword form, i.e.:

 os.stat(pathname, follow_symlinks=True)

Without the bare "*", unused positional parameters are assigned to the keywords parameters, allowing:

 os.stat(pathname, None, True)

to set these two. The bare "*" forbids this, which avoids a lot of confusion and common errors.

Question 2:
My current code:
See "Look here" below.
   for current_filename in current_file_list:
#        print( "looking at file  ", filename, "  in
top_directory_file_list:   ", top_directory_file_list )
#        print( "and in current_directory_path:  ",  current_directory_path)

Look here:

        if current_filename in target_directory_file_list:
That's it:<)) Go down to the bottom now:<))

           current_stat_info = os.stat(current_directory_path + '/' +
current_filename, follow_symlinks = False )
           current_file_size = current_stat_info.st_size
           if current_file_size == target_filename_size[current_filename]:
               #the filename is a duplicate and the size is a duplicate:
they are the same file
               print( "file ", current_filename, "size: ",
current_file_size, " found in both current_directory_path ",
                 " and ", target_directory, "\n")
               duplicate_files =+ 1

               print( "file ", current_filename, " not a duplicate\n")

current_filename = 'IMG00060.jpg'

target_directory_file_list = ['2010-11-02 15.58.30.jpg', '2010-11-02
15.58.45.jpg', '2010-11-25 09.42.59.jpg', '2011-03-19 19.32.09.jpg',
'2011-05-28 17.13.38.jpg', '2011-05-28 17.26.37.jpg', '2012-02-02
20.16.46.jpg', '218.JPG', 'honda accident 001.jpg', 'honda accident
002.jpg', 'honda accident 003.jpg', 'honda accident 004.jpg', 'honda
accident 005.jpg', 'honda accident 006.jpg', 'honda accident 007.jpg',
'Image (1).jpg', 'Image.jpg', 'IMG.jpg', 'IMG00003.jpg', 'IMG00040.jpg',
'IMG00058.jpg', 'IMG_0003.jpg', 'IMG_0004.jpg', 'IMG_0005.jpg',
'IMG_0007.jpg', 'IMG_0008.jpg', 'IMG_0009.jpg', 'IMG_0010.jpg', 'Mak diploma
handshake.jpg', 'New Picture.bmp', 'temp 121.jpg', 'temp 122.jpg', 'temp
220.jpg', 'temp 320.jpg', 'temp 321.jpg', 'temp 322.jpg', 'temp 323.jpg',
'temp 324.jpg', 'temp 325.jpg', 'temp 326.jpg', 'temp 327.jpg', 'temp
328.jpg', 'temp 329.jpg', 'temp 330.jpg', 'temp 331.jpg', 'temp 332.jpg',
'temp 333.jpg', 'temp 334.jpg', 'temp 335.jpg', 'temp 336.jpg', 'temp
337.jpg', 'temp 338.jpg', 'temp 339.jpg', 'temp 340.jpg', 'temp 341.jpg',
'temp 342.jpg', 'temp 343.jpg']

As you can see the current_filename does not exist in target_directory_file
list. Yet, I fall through to the next line. Yes, the indents are all fine: I
wouldn't have gotten to running code otherwise.  I turned my head upside
down and still couldn't see why it doesn't work and what I am missing?

Have you put in a print statement to prove this, and also to display current_filename and target_directory_file on that next line?

Can you reduce this to a MUCH smaller program (eg 10 lines long) showing the same problem? For example by hardwiring the values of current_filename and target_directory_file:

 current_filename = 'foo'
 target_directory_file_list = ['2010-11-02 15.58.30.jpg', '2010-11-02
 15.58.45.jpg', '2010-11-25 09.42.59.jpg', '2011-03-19 19.32.09.jpg',
 '2011-05-28 17.13.38.jpg', '2011-05-28 17.26.37.jpg', '2012-02-02
 20.16.46.jpg', '218.JPG', 'honda accident 001.jpg', 'honda accident
 002.jpg', 'honda accident 003.jpg', 'honda accident 004.jpg', 'honda
 accident 005.jpg', 'honda accident 006.jpg', 'honda accident 007.jpg',
 'Image (1).jpg', 'Image.jpg', 'IMG.jpg', 'IMG00003.jpg', 'IMG00040.jpg',
 'IMG00058.jpg', 'IMG_0003.jpg', 'IMG_0004.jpg', 'IMG_0005.jpg',
 'IMG_0007.jpg', 'IMG_0008.jpg', 'IMG_0009.jpg', 'IMG_0010.jpg', 'Mak diploma
 handshake.jpg', 'New Picture.bmp', 'temp 121.jpg', 'temp 122.jpg', 'temp
 220.jpg', 'temp 320.jpg', 'temp 321.jpg', 'temp 322.jpg', 'temp 323.jpg',
 'temp 324.jpg', 'temp 325.jpg', 'temp 326.jpg', 'temp 327.jpg', 'temp
 328.jpg', 'temp 329.jpg', 'temp 330.jpg', 'temp 331.jpg', 'temp 332.jpg',
 'temp 333.jpg', 'temp 334.jpg', 'temp 335.jpg', 'temp 336.jpg', 'temp
 337.jpg', 'temp 338.jpg', 'temp 339.jpg', 'temp 340.jpg', 'temp 341.jpg',
 'temp 342.jpg', 'temp 343.jpg']

 if current_filename in target_directory_file_list:
   print("IN! (unexpected!)")
   print("NOT IN")

If the small program works correctly, that may point you to the issue in your larger program.

Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au>
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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