I am working with a csv file that has following sample data:
Rank    URL    Linking Root Domains
1    facebook.com/    9616487
2    twitter.com/    6454936
3    google.com/    5868081
4    youtube.com/    5442206
5    wordpress.org/    4051288

In my program, I am reading in this csv file, taking only data from the second 
column and striping off the leading "/"
 import csv
DomainList = []

domains = open('domainlist.csv', 'r')
DomainList = csv.reader(domains)
DomainList = [column[1] for column in DomainList]
DomainList = (str(DomainList).rstrip('/')

I keep getting EOL error on the second the last line and syntax error on the 
last print line. Even when I change the print line to say the following:
Please advise. Thank you in advance. 
 Thank you.
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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