On 22/09/2015 15:07, richard kappler wrote:

That is *very* unlikely.

Perhaps, but I assure you it is what is happening.

Verify that you deleted the existing mod1.xml. As you open the file in
append mode existing faulty lines persist.

I did, hence the above assurance.

Here's the modified code:

#!/usr/bin/env python

stx = '\x02'
etx = '\x03'

with open('input/PS06Test_100Packages.xml', 'r') as f1:
     with open('mod1.xml', 'a') as f2:
         for line in f1:
             s = stx + line[:-1] + etx

mod1.xml has the \x02 hex at the beginning of line 1, then line 2 and all
further lines begin with the \x03 hex then the \x02 hex and then the line.

regards, Richard

Reread my original post and you'll see that your "s" isn't set the same way mine was.

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