Hi Guys. Thanks for the responses and assistance.

I came right after-all. The last 2 blocks read the following.

def get_class_average(students):
    results = []
    for a in students:
        b = float(get_average(a))
    return average(results)

students = [lloyd, alice, tyler]
bother = get_class_average([lloyd, alice, tyler])

Worked like a charm.

Thanks for the assistance.



On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 2:38 PM, Alan Gauld <alan.ga...@btinternet.com>

> On 20/10/15 12:29, Vusa Moyo wrote:
>> Hi there. My script is as follows,
> alice = {
>>      "name": "Alice",
>>      "homework": [100.0, 92.0, 98.0, 100.0],
>>      "quizzes": [82.0, 83.0, 91.0],
>>      "tests": [89.0, 97.0]
>> }
> # Add your function below!
>> def average(numbers):
> >    total = sum(numbers)
> >    total = float(total)
> That line isn't necessary since the inputs are floats already.
> >    total = total / len(numbers)
> >    return total
> >
>> def get_average(student):
>>      homework = average(student["homework"])
>>      quizzes = average(student["quizzes"])
>>      tests = average(student["tests"])
>>      return 0.1 * homework + 0.3 * quizzes + 0.6 * tests
>> def get_letter_grade(score):
>>      if score >= 90:
>>          return "A"
>>      elif score >= 80:
>>          return "B"
> print get_average(lloyd)
>> def get_class_average(students):
>>      results = []
>>      for a in students:
>>          b = int(get_average(a))
>>          results.append([b])
>>          return results
> get_class_average(alice)
>> I receive a zero value for results, which doesnt quite make sense to me.
> Nor to me. Are you sure its a zero result? It should be a list of some
> kind not a number. Or do you mean you get an empty list back?
> Notice that get_class_average() expects your students value to be
> some kind of sequence or collection. The for loop will iterate over that.
> If you pass Alice as a single student it will iterate over the keys, trying
> first of all to get the average of "Alice" which should fail with an error.
> Did you get any errors? If so please let us see them.
> Please show us the actual code you execute, the actual output
> and the full text of any errors.
> One other thing that seems weird to me is that you go to great pains to
> produce a float as a result of get_average() but then you
> immediately convert it to an int. Why not leave it as a float?
> --
> Alan G
> Author of the Learn to Program web site
> http://www.alan-g.me.uk/
> http://www.amazon.com/author/alan_gauld
> Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/alangauldphotos
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