Hi Guys,

I've written a script to remove vowels from a string/sentence.

the while loop I'm using below is to take care of duplicate vowels found in
a sentence, ie

anti_vowel('The cow moos louder than the frog')

It works, but obviously its messy and n00by. Any suggestions on how I can
write this code better?

def anti_vowel(text):
    vowel = ['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u']
    VOWEL = ['A', 'E', 'I', 'O', 'U']
    manip = []

    for i in text:
    fufu = 0
    while fufu < 16:
        for x in vowel:
            if x in manip:

        for y in VOWEL:
            if y in manip:

        fufu = fufu + 2

    strong = ''.join(manip)
    return strong


Thanks - Vusa
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