Hi All--

I posted this question to another group but have not gotten any input.

I needed to install cvxopt on a 64 bit W7. I found out that cvxopt is

incompatible with a 64 bit. It only compatible with a 32 bit which can
be installed
on a 64 bit computer and it works. I stumbled on this on another discussion
group posting. The suggestion was to install python 32 bit on a 64 bit
computer, then download cvxopt and install it via conda.

Here is the suggestion from the posting [If you are using Windows, an
easy solution
could be the Anaconda distribution (http://continuum.io/downloads).

Select and install the 32 bit version. It will be easier to install the cvxopt
package. Search it in the binstar repository (

https://binstar.org/search?q=cvxopt). Open a console terminal and install

it (e. g. "conda install -chttps://conda.binstar.org/omnia cvxopt").?]

I did everything except the last command to install cvxopt, that’s
“conda install
-chttps://conda.binstar.org/omnia cvxopt".

Here is the command I used:

conda install c:/Users/eesawi0001/Downloads/cvxopt-1.1.7-py34.tar

I kept getting invalid syntax

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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