On Tue, Dec 29, 2015 at 11:52 AM, Nathan Clark <26110...@gmail.com> wrote:

> This is a  fibonnaci sequence generator, the colon causes a syntax error
> #set variables
> num_1 = 1
> num_2 = 2
> count = 0
> terms = int(input("How many terms of the fibonnaci sequence would you
> like?")
> #function
> while terms != count :
>     num_3 =num_1+num_2
>     print (num_3)
>     num_1=num_2
>     num_2 = num_3

this can be simplified to
       num_1, num_2 = num_2, num_3

>     count=count+1
> else:
>     print ("finished")
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