On 09/01/16 00:11, bruce wrote:

> So, as an IDE/shell.. I assume it's not quite Eclipse, butallows you
> to do reasonable editing/snyax tracking/etc.. as well as run apps
> within the window/shell.. I assume breakpoints as well, and a good
> chunk of the rest of the usual IDE functions...


> What about function completion? Where I type a function.. and it
> displays a "list" of potential function/defs ? 


> Does it provide "function" or item hoovering. where cursor 
> can be placed of a function/item and
> information about the func, or item
> (type/struct/etc..) is displayed?

I don't think so but there is a primitive class browser.

Also idleX has something called a code context that shows
things like the method definition within its class.

To be honest I don't use IDLE that much any more and if I do
its idleX. Mostly I just use vim and a command shell and
for debugging winpdb (in the rare cases where print and
the >>> prompt are insufficient.)

The other important thing is that it is all written in
Python, and Tkinter as the GUI, so its a good source of
sample code.

But the easiest thing is just install the package and
have a play! :-)

Alan G
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