On 15Jan2016 22:20, boB Stepp <robertvst...@gmail.com> wrote:
it states:

"s.insert(i, x) inserts x into s at the index given by i (same as s[i:i] = [x])"

I find this confusing.  First, at the interpreter, whenever I type in:

[0, 'Hmm...', 3, 'WhackABunny', 6, '?']

I always get an empty list, which is actually what I was expecting, so
I do not see how s[i:i] can ever equal [x].

It isn't an equality test (==), it is an assignent. It is saying "set the zero length sequence at index i to the one element sequence [x]".

The second thing I find puzzling is the docs say x is inserted at
position i, while in the interpreter:

Help on method_descriptor:

   L.insert(index, object) -- insert object before index

The "...insert object before index" makes sense to me, but "...inserts
x into s at the index given by i..." does not because:

Personally I'd rather it said "insert object at index". For "before" I'd need something longer, like "insert object before the elements from index onward".

things.insert(-1, 'What the heck?!?')
[0, 'Hmm...', 3, 'WhackABunny', 6, 'What the heck?!?', '?']

"...at the index..." to me would mean that 'What the heck?!?' should
become the last item in the list.  Again, the interpreter help gave
what I was expecting.

To me it means "insert 'x' so that its index is 'i'".

Am I just being dense or are the docs in this instance confusing?

They may be a bit confusing, though I do think you're misreading the "=" bit at the top.

Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au>
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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