Hi All,
I am running a python flask project for fetching the endpoint.

Please find the files attached.
Parent file: FlaskTest2.py
Endpoint Tester File: FlaskTendpointTester2.py

1. Execute the file FlaskTest2.py --> python FlaskTest2.py
# This will execute the file on the terminal and will be ready to listen
the requests coming RESTFUL API's written in python, s as to validate the
endpoint and checking the various methods like: GET, POST, PUT, DEETE etc.

2. Execute the FlaskTendpointTester2.py -- > python FlaskTendpointTester2.py
#This will open the terminal and indicate the local hit n which the
FlaskTest2.py is executed and will respond back wth all the response; like
the GET, POST, PUT, DELETE method will be called.

When the endpoint file is executed its returning this error:
"if request.method == 'GET': NameError: global name 'request' is not

Here we are looking if the FlaskTest2.py file has any GET, POST, DELETE
method or not.

The error is coming on the terminal(on same Machine 2 working terminals are
opened) where the FlaskTest2.py is run.

Appreciate the help.

Sudipto Manna
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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