Bachir Bachir wrote:

[Bachir, please send your mails to the list, not to me. That way you 
increase the likelihood to get a good answer]

>>     On Sunday, January 17, 2016 4:20 PM, Peter Otten <>
>> wrote:
>>  Bachir Bachir via Tutor wrote:
>>> Hello EverybodyI need to sort a dataframe according to a specific column
>>> the create new dataframes according to the sorted columns each new
>>> created dataframe should contain the list(set('the sorted element)any
>>> help please, i am new in python and pandas thanks muchBachir
>> Like this?
>> >>> df
>>   foo bar
>> 0  3.3  b
>> 1  2.2  b
>> 2  7.5  a
>> 3  1.1  c
>> 4  4.7  a
>> [5 rows x 2 columns]
>> >>> df.groupby("bar").sum()
>>       foo
>> bar     
>> a    12.2
>> b    5.5
>> c    1.1
>> [3 rows x 1 columns]

> Thanks Peter ,This way but i  want keep all the table elements only
> separate them  by a single column 

I'm sorry, I don't understand what you mean by "separate them by a single 
column". Can you give an example? What exactly should the sorted version of

>> >>> df
>>   foo bar
>> 0  3.3  b
>> 1  2.2  b
>> 2  7.5  a
>> 3  1.1  c
>> 4  4.7  a
>> [5 rows x 2 columns]

look like?

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