On 19/01/16 01:15, Michael Appiah Boachie wrote:
> I am a programming beginner. ...
> when i sat on my own with a couple of materials and videos,
> I have become very good at the basics of python and
> completing various beginner courses and projects with ease 
> but however I have run into some kind of “beginner wall”
> where I don’t know where or what to take on next.

The first thing to do is to find a concept or project
that you want to build. We can't really help you with
that, it has to come from you. But maybe there is a
routine task you perform that you could automate?

Say, renaming photos that you load from a camera?
Or bulk conversion of music files between formats?
Or you have a spreadsheet with some macros that you
could convert to an application, maybe using a database?
Or maybe it's a game that you like? Or you could
generate reports from some data source? Maybe from
a web site?

Once you have a project, you need to decide how to build
it, and what modules you will be using.

That second action is where my last book comes in.
Python Projects is targeted at people like you, who know
the basic language, but now want to do something with it.
It covers: interacting with the OS, managing data,
building UIs and web sites and using the Python
test tools.

I try to avoid too much self promotion on this list
but it does sound like you might benefit from this one.

What it doesn't cover much is how to design a program,
that's a much more abstract concept and there are
whole books on that topic. But, for a beginners project,
it shouldn't be a huge issue, the important thing
is to pick something and make a start.

If you get stuck come back here.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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