On 17/03/16 17:48, sina sareth via Tutor wrote:

Please start a new thread for a new subject and please
change the subject line it makes searching the archives
much easier.

> Hi thereI would like to make 2 apps I wonder if somebody has a similar codes. 

We would need a bit more background information.

> They said it is easier to use Django and MySQL.

Who are "they"? Easier than what?
Django is a fine framework but there are many others
and several are easier to start with than Django.
(Although probably more limiting later)

As for MySQL do you know SQL? If not that is just
another learning curve to climb. And given the comment
below, about suggesting you use a for loop, I'd guess
you aren't very far up the Python learning curve yet?

> 1) XML parsing into database.

This doesn't need to be a web app at all from the
description, it could just be a command line tool.
But what are you supposed to parse out of the XML?
The description is far too vague to mean anything.

> 2) Do the same thing but this time, get ALL the quotes and save
> them as separate database entries
> (you will have to do a for loop for this).

Again there is no mention of web here so you don't
need Django. But what does it mean by "quotes"? I
assume they are a feature of your XML file but we
have no idea what it looks like.

Based on what you have shown us I'd use standard
Python and the xml.etree package in the standard

Are you using Python v2 or v3?

Alan G
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