jarod_v6--- via Tutor wrote:

> Hi!!!
> I have this problems
> I have a dictionary  like this:
> [Name_file ::position] = lines
> #Samplename::chr10-43606756-C-T::['chr10', '43606756', '.', 'C', 'T',
> #'100.00', 'PASS',
> #'GT:GQ:AD:VF:NL:SB:GQX', '0/1:100:387,52:0.1185:20:-100.0000:100']
> And I want to obtain this tables
> Name_file on the row and position on the columns and the  one parametr
> inside of  lines
> ie.
>                              chr10-43606756-C-T    ...
> Samplename    ,Synonymous_V455V
> and then I wan to do  the traspose of this matrix.
> What is the simple way to do this?

I'm sorry, I am pretty sure "this" would be easy to achieve if I had the 
slightest idea what you are trying to do.

Please try to express your problem clearly and provide an unambiguous 
example with text input and the desired data structures to be built from 
that input.

Thank you.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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