On 09/05/16 22:14, nitin chandra wrote:

> for line1 in smallLIST1:
>     design1 = line1[3]
>     print design1
>     nextRow=cursor1.execute("SELECT designation_name FROM designation
> WHERE designation_id = %s;", (design1))
>     print nextRow
>     print """<tr>"""
>     for row in line1:
>         print """<td>"""+str(row)+"""</td>"""
>     print """</tr>"""
> 1st "print" shows values 1 , correctly.

I assume you mean design1?

> 2nd "print" shows "None".

I don't know postgres API so i'll assume the %s is  the correct
marker. In SQLite we'd use ?...

Also to get the results row by row I'd expect to have
to call fetchone() on the cursor:

query = """
SELECT designation_name
FROM designation
WHERE designation_id = %s;"""

nextrow = cursor1.execute(query, (design1,)).fetchone()

But Postgres DBAPI may be different...

Alan G
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