On Wed, May 25, 2016 at 02:11:01PM -0400, Alex Hall wrote:

> As a quick aside, is there an easy way to halt script execution for some
> exceptions? Right now, catching them means that execution continues, but I
> sometimes want to log the problem and then abort the script, as the error
> means it shouldn't continue. Thanks.

In general you shouldn't fill your code with exception handling code if 
you can avoid it. You should only catch exceptions that you can handle and 
recover from. It's okay to log them right there, but since it's a 
recoverable error it should be a warning, not an error.

You should generally not catch fatal errors (except once, see below). If 
you must catch them, to decide whether or not they are fatal, then don't 
log them at the point you caught it, just re-raise using the base 
"raise" statement.

Finally, you should wrap your entire script in a single try...except to 
catch all the fatal exceptions in one go, log them, and exit. One way is 

# Run the main script.
if __name__ == '__main__':
    except Exception:

which will log an Error with "message", and the details of the exception 
including the traceback before exiting.

An alternative to a try...except block will be to set the excepthook 
before running main().


As always, it's okay to break these rules carefully and after giving 
them due thought. But if you find yourself calling sys.exit dozens of 
times from wildly-separate parts of your code, you're probably doing it 

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