On 08/06/16 03:24, Vincent Trost via Tutor wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm looking for help on the proper installation of Python and the Text 
> editor, Atom. 

OK, Lets break those into two separate activities. Start with Python.

> we downloaded Enthought Canopy and used that for some scientific Python work. 

Do you still have Canopy installed? Which version of Python was it?
Do you need anything more recent than that? If not stick with Canopy.
If you no longer need/want it you should be able to uninstall Canopy.

> I've struck up an interest in web-scraping, but for the life of me 
> I can't figure out how to set up a solid environment for Python 3.5.x

You don't need 3.5 to do web scraping. In fact your 2.7 install would
be fine for that.

> I've tried so many things that it's just become kind of a mess. 

We need a lot more specific details before we can offer concrete help.
- Which OS are you using?
- What are these "many things" that you've tried?
 (Which packages? From which site?)
- What exactly is the "mess" that you have?
- Do you get a working Python 3.5 prompt?
- What do you actually need beyond a basic vanilla Python installation?
  (I'd suggest Beautiful Soup as a minimum extra for web scraping,
  but are there other packages you think you need?

> I have a number of questions and problems with my installation that 
> I'm sure all it would take is for someone who actually understands
> the terminal, installation process, and just how all this works
> to come and get me straightened out. 

We don't really do home visits, it's a bit tricky when we are
scattered all over the planet... Penn State is a long way
from Scotland! But if you tell us what you are doing (in
much more detail) we can hopefully offer some advice.

Once you have Python installed we can think about installing
Atom. BTW. Is there any special reason you want to use Atom rather
than one of the more common editors? Have you used it before for example?

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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