On 29.06.2016 04:16, Alex Kleider wrote:

On 2016-06-28 11:46, David Rock wrote:
Here’s my take on a lot of this (it’s similar to what’s been said
already, so this is more of a general philosophy of distros).

Very interesting reading for which I thank you.
I'd be interested in knowing if you'd make a distinction between 'the
Ubuntu' and their LTS releases?
My approach has been to use LTS releases only and not bother with the ones
in between.


David kind of discussed the difference between them in an earlier post when he grouped distros into three categories, quoting him:

1. slower-moving, very stable, binary installs
2. fast-moving, stable-ish, binary installs
3. fast-moving, stable-ish, source installs

In a relative sense, linux stability is good regardless. I only point out “very stable” because they are typically bulletproof on purpose, at the expense of some flexibility.

#1 examples:
Debian stable (codename jessie)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)
CentOS (a free RHEL repackaging)

Just add Ubuntu LTS releases here, while other Ubuntu releases fall in category #2. An LTS release never sees major version upgrades over its lifetime for its Linux kernel nor for other software package-managed by canonical so near the end of it things may be pretty outdated. That's not necessarily a big deal though. If your system works for you, why change it. I've sometimes upgraded to new releases just out of interest, but never because I felt I really had to.

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