On Tue, Jul 5, 2016 at 12:05 PM, Alex Hall <ah...@autodist.com> wrote:

>>>> a = 5
>>>> isinstance(a, int)
> True
>>>> a is int
> False
> What happened there? Don't these do the same thing? I thought I could use
> them interchangeably?

'isinstance' is something else from 'is'.

isinstance will tell us if something is considered to be an "instance"
of something: it knows how to categorize.

This might be important if, when we're running our program, we have
some data and want to do some case analysis based on what
classification that data falls into.

For example, True and False can be identified as instances of the booleans.

>>> isinstance(True, bool)
>>> isinstance(False, bool)

If we're object oriented programming based on different classes of
data, then 'isinstance' can be used to distinguish things based on
their class.  For example:

class C1(object): pass
class C2(object): pass

barry = C1()
white = C2()

print(isinstance(barry, C1))
print(isinstance(barry, C2))

if we have two classes, we can create instances of them, and use
'isinstance' to find out if they match a particular class-ification.

I rarely use this operator in practice because usually, *how* a value
operates and behaves is much more important than *what* strata that
value belongs to.

I suppose that's an ideal of meritocracy.  :)

In contrast, 'is' is a more low-level notion having to do with
*equality*, not classification.  These are both operations that
compare two things, but their conceptual types are not the same:

  * 'isinstance' deals with a thing and a category.

  * 'is' works on two things that, presumably, might be the same type
of thing.  (Why?  Because if we knew in advance that the the two
things were of different types, then we already know that 'is' will
return False, so we know our answer in advance.)
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