first, sorry everyone for having attached the file instead of just typing it 
second, thanks a lot for the replies; even though I gave you no code it was 
quite helpful!
the code was this:

from sys import argv

script, filename = argv
txt = open (filename)

print "Here's your file %r: " % filename

print "Type the filename again: "
file_again = raw_input("> ")

txt_again = open(file_again)


Peter Otten explained it to me line by line [thanks so much :)] however, I do 
have one more question:
why do I have to create a variable txt_again to assign it to the open 
function and them print the file?
why is it that I can't only write something like open(file_again).read()?

6. Jul 2016 05:22 by

>>  wrote:
>> hey everyone. this is my first time trying this -- actually, I've been
>> studying python only for some days now, and I'm afraid my questions are
>> going to be reeeeally simple, but I can't seem to understand this piece of
>> code and thus can't move on.
> You seem to be talking about
> """
> from sys import argv
> script, filename = argv
> txt = open(filename)
> print "Here's your file %r:" % filename
> print
> print "Type the filename again:"
> file_again = raw_input("> ")
> txt_again = open(file_again)
> print
> """
> As others said, always provide the code you are asking about, or if that is
> not possible at least provide a link.
>> you probably know the book, so you know that zed always makes us write
>> code so that then we can understand how it works, and it's great, but in
>> this exercise there are just too many new functions and without
>> explanation they are a bit hard to understand... so I'm having trouble
>> with most of the lines here.
>> it's not that I want the full explanation to that code, but since I'm
>> unfamiliar with some of its concepts, I'm just going to tell you all the
>> things that I don't understand (sorry for it being a lot):
>> 1. the need to put script into an estipulation for argv (line 3)
> Write a script containing
> from sys import argv
> print argv
> then call it with with one parameter, e. g.
> $ python somefile.txt
> ['', 'somefile.txt']
> As you can see argv is a list with two items, the first being "", the
> name of the script you are invoking. You are only interested in the second
> one, the filename. The easy way to get that is
> filename = argv[1]
> the hard way is to use "unpacking"
> script, filename = argv
> where python will assign one item from the list on the right to every name
> on the left:
>>>> items = ["foo", "bar"]
>>>> one, two = items
>>>> one
> 'foo'
>>>> two
> 'bar'
> What happens if the number of names on the left doesn't match the number of
> items in the list?
>>>> one, two, three = items
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
> ValueError: need more than 2 values to unpack
> You get an exception. That is why you have to provide the name "script" in
> Zed's example even though you are not actually interested in the script
> name.
>> 2. the what is txt and why it has to be used there (line 4)
> txt is a file object and
>> 3. -- which are all new functions(? I dont even know what they
>> are)  (line 7)
> read() is a method that here reads the whole file into a string. You use 
> the
> open() function to open a file and usually assign the file object that is
> returned by open to a name. You can freely choose that name. The structure
> is the same for every object, be it a number:
> x = 42  # assign a number to x
> y = x + x  # do some arithmetic with x and assign the result to y
> print y  # print the result
> a list:
> mynumbers = list()  # create a list
> mynumbers.append(42)  # append a number to the list
> print mynumbers  # print the list
> or a file:
> myfile = open("example.txt")  # open the file example.txt in the current
>                               # working directory. If the file doesn't 
> exist
>                               # you get an error
> print "first line:", myfile.readline()  # read the first line and print it
> print "rest of the file:"
> print  # read the rest of the file and print it
> myfile.close()  # close the file
>> 4. file_again (line 10)
>> 5. txt_again (line 12)
>> and line 14.
> 4. and 5. are just a repetition of the first part, with the variation that
> the filename, assigned to file_again is read interactively with raw_input()
> instead of passing it as a commandline argument to the script.
> The names used can be freely chosen by the programmer, a script
> from sys import argv
> red_apple, my_hat = argv
> blue_suede_shoes = open(my_hat)
> print
> blue_suede_shoes.close()
> would work exactly like the first part of the hard-way example. However,
> picking descriptive names and using them consistently makes it much easier
> for a human reader to understand what's going on.
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