On Thu, Aug 11, 2016 at 2:44 PM, Joaquin Alzola
<joaquin.alz...@lebara.com> wrote:
>>import win32print
>>ImportError: No module named win32print
> That module doesn't exist on your python path
> 'pywin32' is its canonical name.
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/pywin32/

I'm not certain what's meant in the above, but to be clear, PyWin32
installs most of its modules as top-level imports. So `import
win32print` is correct.

PyWin32 can be pip installed using the "pypiwin32" package:


The difference compared to the executable installer is that the wheel
package doesn't automatically run the post-install script that copies
some DLLs to the System32 directory. Running the post-install script
isn't necessary if you just need to call Windows and COM APIs.
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