On 01/11/16 21:28, Haley Sandherr wrote:
> Hello, I am new to python and need help with this question:

What kind of help? What exactly do you find difficult?
> Compose a function odd ( ) 

Can you define a function? Any function?

> that takes three bool arguments 

Can you define a function that takes arguments - any arguments?
Can you define one that takes exactly 3 arguments?

> and returns True

Can you define a function that returns a value - any value?
Can you define a function that returns True?

>  if an odd number of arguments are True and False otherwise.

Can you test if a value is True?
Can you test if 2 out of 3 are True?
(There are several ways to do this! Some easy and
some harder but shorter )

How far down that list do you get before becoming stuck?

I could show you a single line solution, but I doubt you
would learn very much from it. It is better for you to come
up with your own solution where you actually understand
what every line of code does.

Alan G
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