
I am just start learning Python and I have an activity to do
RockPaperScissors game using dictionary. I have written my code and it
doesn't work at all. I am sending my code and the
requirements. Can you please have a look and point out what is wrong there.
Thank you very much.

Warm regards,

program requirements:

 The program will display an appropriate welcome message and user

 The program must use a Python dictionary to hold data shown in the table

Game Command              Value

R                                             Rock

P                                             Paper

S                                              Scissors

E                                              Exit

 The player will enter their choice of shape by entering a valid Game

 Any invalid input must generate an exception that is handled and used to
display an appropriate error message.

 For correct inputs, the computer will randomly pick a dictionary item
(other than ‘Exit’) and compare that value with the user’s, before
returning the game result.

 For the game result the program must return details of the following:

o The user’s selection

o The computer’s selection

o The winning hand

o A running total of user wins including this game and previous games

 The program will repeat the game until the user exits by entering ‘e’.

# RockPaperScissors

import random
print ("Hello.. Welcome from Rock, Paper, Scissors Game!!\n"
       +"Game instruction:\n"
       +"You will be playing with the computer.\n"
       +"You need to choose one of your choice: Rock, Paper or Scissors.\n"
       +"Enter 'e' to exit the game.\n")

game_command = {"r":"Rock","p":"Paper","s":"Scissors","e":"Exit"}

score = 0
player = 0
    while player == 'r' and player == 'p' and player == 's':

        pc = random.choice( list(game_command.keys())[:3])
        player = input("\nPlease enter your choice:'r','p' or 's': ")
        print ("You selects: ", player)
        print ("PC selects:",pc)

        if player == pc:
            print("It's a Tie!")
            score = score
            print("Your score is: ",score)

        elif player == "r":
            if pc == "p":
                print("PC win!")
                print("You win!")
                score = score + 1
                print("Your score is: ",score)

        elif player == "p":
            if pc == "s":
                print("PC win!")
                print("You win!")
                score = score + 1
                print("Your score is: ",score)

        elif player == "s":
            if pc == "r":
                print("PC win!")
                print("You win!")
                score = score + 1
                print("Your score is: ",score)
        elif player == 'e' :
            print("You exit the game.")
except ValueError:
        print("\nInvalid character,try again!")
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