On 12/04/17 13:47, Wim Berrelkamp wrote:

>>>> a=2

Here you assign the number 2 to 'a'

>>>> d=a+4
>>>> print(d)
> 6
> a=input('-->' )

Here you assign whatever character(s) the user types to 'a'.
The fact that it looks like 2 doesn't change the fact that it
is really the character '2'. So you need to convert it to
a number using either int() or float()

a = int(input('-->'))
a = float(input('-->'))

> print(a)
> d=a+4
> print(d)

> I tried to use float(), but nothing works.
> What am I doing wrong ?

I don't know, because you don't show us how you tried to
use float(), but if you apply it as shown above it
should work.

Alan G
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