On 18/04/17 17:55, Rafael Knuth wrote:
> I wanted to start my first project using matplotlib (I have never
> worked with libraries before). 

Every time you do an import you are using a library.

import sys
import os

It's no big deal.

> I am trying to get started with VS Community 2017, 
> and I am having trouble performing the most basic
> tasks such as installing matplotlib. Anyone here using VS 2017? 

VS is great for .NET development for Windows but frankly
for anything else I prefer Eclipse or Netbeans as IDEs.
But personally I don't much like big greedy IDEs (unless
I'm writing Java) so I tend to just use a text editor
(vim or notepad++ on windows) and a Python shell
 - possibly even IDLE. I also use the Pythonwin IDE
if I'm doing any COM type work because of its debugger
and built in COM browser.

But editors and IDEs are very personal choices. The best
thing is to download a few and play with them. There is
no shortage of candidates to pick from!

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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