On 07/05/17 16:23, Jojo Mwebaze wrote:

> I am trying to figure out the best Python Web-Development Applications
> framework. I trying to get started with building Web-Based Applications.
> Kindly give advise which one is the best for a novice  user

It depends on several factors which you haven't told us about.
The only thing we know is you describe yourself as a "novice user".

What kind of web applications do you want to build? Different frameworks
suit different application areas better than others.

What kind of end result are you aiming for? An industrial
strength app that you can deploy into a public data centre
with many visitors? (How many? How many transactions per day/hour?)

What kind of security requirements do you have? Will this
hold personal data? Financial information? Or other critical data?
Or is it public domain with very little security needs,
not even user logins?

What kind of processing will it be doing? Heavy CPU data
analysis? Or database searches? Highly interactive network
intensive? Or mainly displaying static web pages?

There are other things we could consider. But these are all
things that will make a difference to which framework is
best for you. In general the bigger the ambition the bigger
the framework you need.

The good news is that they are all fairly easy to get started
with (except maybe Zope). If you plan on going public then
the choice will likely be driven by what your web hosting
service supports. (And many don't support Python at all!)

I've used a couple of very simple frameworks and can't
really recommend one above the other: Pylons and Flask.
As a default start with one of these and see how far
they take you, the basic principles will apply to the
bigger boys too.

Of the mid-range frameworks I've used both Turbo-Gears
and Django. Django has a very definite way of working,
TG is more flexible (IMHO) but that implies more
experience from the user.  Django has better support
and tutorials etc.

Of the heavyweight frameworks, I've not used any of them,
although I did look at Zope, but my hosting options
required Java so I went down that route.

The final thing to consider is how much Javascript and
browser-side work you intend to do. Almost all modern
web apps rely on a lot of Javascript code in the browser
for the user experience side of things. And that changes
the whole approach to server side development too - the
server becomes much more of a data oriented server with
very little HTML/CSS processing going on.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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