C W wrote:

> Dear Python list,
> I am an R user learning Python. What is a good editor?
> 1) Pycharm
> PyCharm evaluates the entire script, I just want to change a few lines in
> the script.
> For example,
> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
> import numpy as np
> x = np.arange(0, 1,0.1)
> y = np.sin(2 * np.pi * x)
> plt.figure(1)
> plt.clf()
> plt.plot(x, y)
> plt.show()
> Now, I want to do a scatter plot, but don't want to generate the data
> again. I just want the "line by line" evaluation like in R and Matlab.
> Basically, you can type in console and add to the existing variables.

That sounds more like an interactive interpreter than an IDE.
There is one such interpreter with bells, whistles, and notebooks


> 2) Spyder
> Spyder looks a lot like RStudio, I like it! But, it does not have an app
> icon in applications.  I am baffled. I do ~/anaconda/bin/spyder every
> time.
> Am I missing something or is this the way it is?
> Thank you very much!
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