
I don't see any session initializer , please try with that
session = web.session.Session(app,store,initializer={'login':
0,'privilege': 0,'username':'Guest','logged_in':False})


On Thu, Sep 28, 2017 at 3:35 PM, peter <peterrisle...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am on chapter 10 of headfirst python second edition. got most of the
> prior codes to work but am stuck on this one. I will add the
> simple_webapp.py which is a decorator enabled  and checker.py which is the
> decorator. when I go into and enter I get the correct
> response. gets me 'you are not logged in' also
> correct.
> '' returns 'you are now logged in'  which is correct
> but '' after that should return 'this is page 1' but
> instead returns 'you are not logged in'.
> When I login to page 1 the 'session['logged_in'] = True' should still be
> true but apparently it has not been passed to 'check_logged_in'.
> I am stumped and do not know how to proceed to figure this out.
> Here are the codes
> Also they are attached to this email. I am hoping someone can show me the
> errors of my ways. hopefully it is something simple but I have gone over it
> a lot and think the code is correct.
> Thank you for your attention and help.
> Peter Risley
> checker.py
> from flask import session
> from functools import wraps
> def check_logged_in(func):
>     @wraps(func)
>     def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
>         if 'logged _in' in session:
>             return func(*args, **kwargs)
>         return 'You are not logged in.'
>     return wrapper
> simple_webapp.py
> from flask import Flask, session
> from checker import check_logged_in
> """this 'simple_webapp.py' , which pulls all of chp 10 code together. When
> you need to restrict access to specific URLs, base your strategy on this
> webapp's mechanism.
> This uses checker.py check_logged_in and which is a decorator function to
> do the work."""
> app = Flask(__name__)
> @app.route('/')
> def hello() -> str:
>     return 'Hello from the simple webapp.'
> @app.route('/page1')
> @check_logged_in
> def page1():
>     return 'this is page 1.'
> @app.route('/page2')
> @check_logged_in
> def page2():
>     return 'this is page 2.'
> @app.route('/page3')
> @check_logged_in
> def page3():
>     return 'this is page 3.'
> @app.route('/login')
> def do_login() -> str:
>     session['logged_in'] = True
>     return 'you are now logged in.'
> @app.route('/logout')
> def do_logout() -> str:
>     session.pop('logged_in')
>     return 'you are now logged out.'
> app.secret_key = 'yes'
> if __name__ == '__main__':
>     app.run(debug=True)
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