Hi all:

I am working on a memory scanner, and the source code and output is as

Now, I know why my buffer from read process memory looks like values such
as "67108864" ; it's because I read into the buffer entire chunk of memory
at a time, because I fed read process memory this:  "mbi.RegionSize"

Now, how do I read for values such as doubles?
I am guessing I need to use a for loop to scan for small bits of memory
at a time.

Is there a way to do it?


>output starts

buffer is:  c_ulong(0)
buffer is:  c_ulong(0)
buffer is:  c_ulong(6385664)
buffer is:  c_ulong(67108864)
buffer is:  c_ulong(7761920)
buffer is:  c_ulong(7798784)
buffer is:  c_ulong(7872512)
buffer is:  c_ulong(8007680)
buffer is:  c_ulong(8044544)
buffer is:  c_ulong(8069120)
buffer is:  c_ulong(8216576)
buffer is:  c_ulong(0)
buffer is:  c_ulong(0)
buffer is:  c_ulong(3976)
buffer is:  c_ulong(0)
buffer is:  c_ulong(0)
buffer is:  c_ulong(1318755581)
buffer is:  c_ulong(0)
buffer is:  c_ulong(0)
buffer is:  c_ulong(0)
buffer is:  c_ulong(0)

> code starts

buffer = ctypes.c_uint()
nread = SIZE_T()

start = ctypes.c_void_p(mbi.BaseAddress)

ReadProcessMemory = Kernel32.ReadProcessMemory

MEM_COMMIT = 0x00001000;

current_address = sysinfo.lpMinimumApplicationAddress
end_address = sysinfo.lpMaximumApplicationAddress

while current_address < end_address:
    Kernel32.VirtualQueryEx(Process, \
    current_address, ctypes.byref(mbi),ctypes.sizeof(mbi))

    if mbi.Protect == PAGE_READWRITE and mbi.State == MEM_COMMIT :

        if ReadProcessMemory(Process, current_address,
ctypes.byref(buffer), \
                             ctypes.sizeof(buffer), ctypes.byref(nread)):
                print('buffer is: ',buffer)
                raise ctypes.WinError(ctypes.get_last_error())

    current_address += mbi.RegionSize
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