On 29 Jan 2018, at 7:42, vinod bhaskaran wrote:

As the new character is adding the char in the new string but how is it getting reversed without any line giving the char number to be traversed in
reverse order.

You don't need that, think about this example

newstring = ''
oldstring = "Newton"

now you go through each char in oldstring, so you get first N which you add to newstring and you get

newstring = 'N'

next char is 'e' and then you do 'e' + 'N' and get 'eN'

newstring = 'eN'

next char the same way

newstring = 'weN'


until you get 'notweN'

Remember that the for-loop will step through each char in oldstring so when you come to the end the loop will stop.

= jem
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