On 29/01/18 16:30, Dragan Mestrovik wrote:

> I need some suggestions/help in showing large amount of data in grid like
> view with first column having checkboxes. Please see the image attached.
> How can i achieve this in Python GUI?
> [image: Inline image 1]http://oi39.tinypic.com/28vq6wn.jpg

The first thing I'd suggest is do not use Tkinter as the GUI.
There are other GUI frameworks with a native grid or table
control which will be much more suitable. Whether or not
they can put a checkbox in the first column is something
you will need to investigate.

As an example the wxPython framework has a grid component,
and it can use custom renderers so I suspect a checkbox
would be one such. But for the details I'd ask on the
wxPython mailing list.

Other frameworks such as GTk and Qt probably have grids too.

Alan G
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