Dear friends,

I am trying to import a function in a module by variable name. The specific 
example is that my function allows the user to select which function my code 
will use (in this case, which optimizer in scipy). There is a default for a 
named variable. I have thing working in a quite unclean way- I import them all 
and then look them up in globals. I'm not trying to clean it up. 

Essentially I'd like to

method = 'newton_krylov'

chosen_optimize_func = (from scipy.optimize import method)

Of course, even I know this shouldn't work. What I tried is

solver_method = __import__('scipy.optimize.' + method, fromlist=[''])

which yields:
                       Traceback (most recent call last)

<ipython-input-28-f58650552981> in <module>()
----> 1 solver_method = __import__('scipy.optimize.' + method, fromlist=[''])

: No module named 'scipy.optimize.newton_krylov'

Well, no, it's not a module but a function. 

Any thoughts on how to do this?

Thank You- Joe

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