On 23Oct2018 11:24, Peter Otten <__pete...@web.de> wrote:
Cameron Simpson wrote:
The doco for mktemp (do not use! use mkstemp or the NamedTemporaryFile
classes instead!) explicitly mentions using delete=False.

Well, "permanent temporary file" does sound odd.

By the way, NamedTemporaryFile returns a proxy instead of the file itself.
In some rare cases that could be a problem.

Would mktemp() really be dangerous if you used it like this,

def new_game(directory):
   for _retry in range(3):
       filename = mktemp("game_", ".json", dir=directory)
          return open(filename, "x")
       except FileExistsError:
   raise FileExistsError

with the "x" mode?

In terms of a race, maybe not. But in terms of security? Probably.

Consider: the issue with mktemp is that it can be switched out before use. So:

Alice: mktemp() -> filename

Mallory: guess filename, put a symlink there pointing at a file which doesn't exist, but which has an effect if it does. For example, in ancient windows, an autorun.ini file. Or cooler, on UNIX, a file in /etc/cron.d.

Alice: write to filename, not accidentally _creating_ the target of the symlink, now writing a file somewhere unwanted.

Now, the examples above pretend that Alice has root privileges so that Mallory affects a root run system. But for Alice, it is just as bad if Mallory just subverts her personal account via some other pathname.

Also, there's the issue of privacy: open(), in your example, will use the default umask, which may be more open than one wants. And so on...

Cameron Simpson <c...@cskk.id.au>
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