On 7/2/19 1:48 AM, Jordan Baltes wrote:
> I've been researching python's sorting algorithm, Timsort, and know that
> it's a hybrid between insertion sort (best case time complexity O(n)) and
> merge sort (O(n log(n))), and has an overall time complexity of O(n
> log(n)). What I'm trying to figure out is, when the list is very short,
> let's say 2 or 3 units in length, does the time complexity of Timsort
> become O(n)? I was thinking that the insertion-sort portion of Timsort
> would be able to sort a list of length=3 (such as [8,7,9] or [9,8,7]) in
> O(3) time, therefore O(n). Thoughts?

Try timing it?

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