On 16/07/19 10:34 AM, Mats Wichmann wrote:
On 7/15/19 3:25 PM, James Hartley wrote:
help(module_name) will place any text in the *first* module-level docstring
into the description section of the help page in Python 3.4.5.  Subsequent
docstrings found at module level are ignored.

I have been using this factoid for placement of a copyright & licensing
notice.  By placing a rather lengthy copyright & license in the code in a
the second module-level docstring, it is prominent within the code, but not
cluttering up help() output.

Two questions.  Is there a more standardized way of including long license
descriptions in code, & is it documented that any other module-level
docstring will be ignored in help() output?

Rule #1: it's all opinion in the end...

The common practice is that licence/copyright text is included as a
comment in the code, not in a docstring.

Packaging and project templating offer/recommend a separate file for 'legal-stuff', eg licensing.

That said, I also include a one-liner at the top of every module, adding __license__ to several other similar labels/definitions.

One thing is for-sure: when calling for help or reminding myself of method signatures, I'd be greatly irritated by having to wade-through a flood of irrelevance.

On the other hand, if 'you' use my work...

Whether either/both of these pass for pythonic, I can't say.

Regards =dn
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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