On 25 Jun 2019 15:50, stephen.m.sm...@comcast.net wrote:


I have written a 'program' that does some reasonable screen scraping off of
a specific website. The program has gotten too large so I have tried to
segment it into logical pieces (tkinter logic as a start) but I am having
problems. Specifically I need to pass several dictionaries to the module
(imported code) that validates some user selection and into the code that
navigates through the website.

====》》 Hi, not sure if you could use it here, but I was triggered by the term 
* Tkinter allows you to define a validationcommand, 
* You can also define tracers. These are functions that are triggered when a 
Tkinter var (e.g  StringVar) is changed.
* You can also bind events to a function. For example a <focusOut> event from 
an Entry checks the entry contents and colors it red if it's invalid.

It's been a while since I've used this but those tricks may come in handy!


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