

I think I am asking for the impossible here. But I will ask anyway.


I am using flask_sqlalchemy to build the tables and perform the queries,
updates and insertions. I have multiple tables with the same structure with
different names. A table called accounts which stores the name of the tables
with the same structures. This is the important bits to know about. 


I have a page called transactions. When I call this page, I can append
different names to the end. For example:







In the view for transactions I am doing the following (code extract)



def transactions(account):

    if accounts != "Transactions":

        Accounts.query.filter_by(account_name =account).first_or_404()

    tables = Accounts.query.all()

    if account == 'Account1':

        records = Account1

    elif account == 'Account2':

        records = Account2

    records = records.query.order_by(


as I am saving each model object into the same variable depending on the
full URL name. I am wondering if there is a better way in doing this rather
than using a list of if tests? 


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