On Thu, Nov 25, 2004 at 03:52:27PM -0500, Albert Cahalan wrote:
> On Thu, 2004-11-25 at 15:58, Bill Kendrick wrote:
> > Cool, check it out! ;)
> They claim Tux Paint requires Win98/2k/XP. They only
> provide a link to a Microsoft Windows installer.
> They don't even mention the Mac port, much less the
> Linux port or anything weird.

Well, admittedly, it /was/ in their "Windows" section.
It also came via a Windows freeware/shareware site that I submitted to.

This is nothing compared to the utter frustration that TUCOWS has been.
An ancient version of Tux Paint for Linux is listed in their Linux section.
No version is in their Mac section.  No version is in their Windows section.
I submitted 0.9.14 to their BeOS section and it was up within a few days.


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