On Thu, Dec 02, 2004 at 07:59:13PM -0500, Albert Cahalan wrote:
> Aside from the *.jpg compression damage, how's this?

That's not too bad.  I think I'd prefer the palette colors to
still be shaped more similar to the other buttons, though.
And it'd be nice if we could have SOME slight 3D or glass effect on the
colors. Hrmm..

Also, two other things unrelated to your changes:

  * The group labels should look even more different from the buttons than
    they do now.  Apparently, some kids try to click them.
    (I'm talking about "Tools", "Colors", and the right-side selector labels,
    like "Brushes", "Stamps", "Shapes", etc.)

  * The un-clickable buttons should be dimmed a little tiny bit.
    In your example, "Undo" and "Redo" still stand out quite a bit, even
    though they're inaccessible.

Also, related to this last one, a recent article I read on GUI usability
mentioned that greyed out items are bad, esp. nowadays when there are so
many items in pulldown menus in huge applications like MS Office.

It'd be good to have Tux say something at the bottom, like
"You can't Save right now, because your picture hasn't changed," for example.

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