On Tue, Dec 21, 2004 at 02:58:20AM +0300, Alberto Escudero-Pascual (IT46) wrote:
> Hello members of the list,

Hi Alberto!

> Martin Benjamin and myself we are interested in releasing during this 
> Xtmas Tux Paint as a present for the Swahili community and we have 
> completed the localization of sw.po and stamps.po 

Excellent!  Have they been applied into CVS yet?  (I see John built
a Win version for you, which I'll copy to my FTP site in a moment.)

If not, please feel free to post them to tuxpaint-i18n or tuxpaint-dev
and someone can commit them for you!

(Note: I'm out of state for a family emergency, and have very limited
'net access until early next week.)

> In January 2005 i will start to work in the WAV files with schools in the 
> region of Dar es Salaam.

Awesome!  That's so cool!  Thanks! :^)

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