Japanese didn't work until I commented out the line
that makes it require a non-standard font. Now it
appears to work perfectly. (well, it looks kind of
asian you know...) I don't know if this includes the
Han (Kanji) characters, or just the Katakana and
Hirigana, but it appears to cover enough for Tux Paint.

Greek also works fine w/o a funny font. It looks
much better in fact, with the text correctly sized.

Even Hebrew works without a funny font, except that
the stamps are untranslated and the English runs
the wrong way.

So, if these locales are going to be listed, the
font loading code needs to NOT give up on the locale
when a locale-specific font can't be found. It might
be best to load fonts on demand, as missing characters
are needed.

It would be nice if gettext() had a hook for this
or would only translate when the characters are in
the loaded fonts.

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