Just to let people know what I'm thinking of...

flat green labels
scroll wheel doesn't go too far
scroll wheel works for Open dialog
wider Open dialog
add New dialog   
grey outlines for all disabled stuff
"Colors" label should be grey too, not black or missing
free font style memory
#if out bulk free at shutdown
brick morter
standard "B" and "i" for text controls
disabled font and stamp controls should turn grey
magic shrink
magic grow  
a few gradient starters (horizon, with varying sky and surface)
magic 3-D paint (like Gimp Quickmask, stipled like stamp outline; draw on 
magic stamp (like Gimp Quickmask, stipled like stamp outline; make stamp on 
always separate controls from tool choice (move above label or force scroll 
brick tool with longer layout memory, surviving button release
rough-looking 3-D brick surfaces
faster grass via blit over it? (blit keeps destination alpha)
brick sound, ONLY when a brick is placed
correct screen update for grass
gamma-aware alpha blend for paint -- need faster getpixel/putpixel
for tiny stamp sizes, act like an image hose
for large stamp sizes, draw on release (allowing center off-screen)
resolve WYSIWYG problem with font sizes
wide font buttons maybe?
large and small UI options
backwards and upside-down UI options

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