On Mon, 2005-01-03 at 18:10, Bill Kendrick wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 03, 2005 at 12:44:30PM +0900, TOYAMA Shin-ichi wrote:
> > I think "tp-all48.jpg" is good.
> I think tp-all48.jpg is good, as well.  However, tp-32x40.jpg might be
> better, as it leaves a little more room for text under the colors.

What should happen when the screen height is not
a multiple of 48? What gets the spare vertical space
on the right side?

> > One matter for concern is that it may be a little difficult for 
> > three-year-old children to push 24x24 or 32x32 icon in some other 
> > examples, especially on high resolution display.
> Agreed.  Having 'mini' buttons also looks a little weird, too...

For a 3-year-old, you disable the stamp/font controls anyway.
I think it's safe to assume that a kid able to use the controls
is able to handle small buttons.

I think that avoiding weirdness is mostly about lining thing up.
When possible, the lower corners of the canvas should be on
4-way corners. (like where Arizona meets Colorado). It's hard to
satisfy this for odd screen resolutions. Ideally, there should
not be small gaps. Large gaps aren't so bad always, but small ones
are always disturbing.

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